May 26, 2020

Neekolul on TikTok

Neekolul has an account on TikTok. Check it out here. It’s on this platform she went viral with As of writing she has 280k followers and counting. Her most liked upload is of course her “OK boomer” dance video. It’s garnered 127k likes as of today. Like to trigger the BOOMERS #bernie2020

Neekolul on TikTok Read More »

Neekolul has an account on TikTok. Check it out here. It’s on this platform she went viral with As of writing she has 280k followers and counting. Her most liked upload is of course her “OK boomer” dance video. It’s garnered 127k likes as of today. Like to trigger the BOOMERS #bernie2020

Breaking down DrDisrespect’s insane new PC, and how much it costs

If your job is to play and stream video games for long hours, it’s only natural to get the best hardware available. And that’s exactly what DrDisrespect just did! Spoiler alert: you might feel an intense desire to have a brand new gaming build afterwards. New gaming gears Twitch celebrity Herschel “DrDisRespect” Beahm IV recently

Breaking down DrDisrespect’s insane new PC, and how much it costs Read More »

If your job is to play and stream video games for long hours, it’s only natural to get the best hardware available. And that’s exactly what DrDisrespect just did! Spoiler alert: you might feel an intense desire to have a brand new gaming build afterwards. New gaming gears Twitch celebrity Herschel “DrDisRespect” Beahm IV recently