Content Creator Spotlight: Linofilia

For the lucky ones, there are ways to merge a couple of their hobbies and passion into one.

Cosplayers who are into anime and manga can opt to share their cosplay outfits to the rest of the world, providing great content one character at a time. This may be a rather expensive hobby to maintain, but every time someone appreciates your every effort poured in an outfit— it’s definitely worth it.

Platforms like Patreon and OnlyFans prove to be a great home to content creators who are into cosplay. Their loyal patrons can show their support by paying a monthly subscription fee, which in turn, can support their favorite creators financially.

If you’re looking for a cosplayer-content creator to check out, Linofilia may be of interest. Despite actively posting her content on Patreon only a year ago, she continues to be a social media powerhouse and is active on Patreon, Instagram, Twitter, and OnlyFans.

Read on and get to know Linofilia behind her amazing cosplay outfits:

When did you start creating content and on which platform did you begin?

“I started creating my content on patreon a year ago.”

Why did you become a creator?

“Because I really like anime theme and cosplay.”

Tell us more about what you create for your fans

“I create cosplay photos in the style of boudoir and nude.”

For you, what do you think is the best part of being a creator?

“I am very pleased with the support of my fans. Now I can do my favorite thing and share it with other people.”

What are some hardships you’ve had to overcome?

“Financial difficulties. Cosplay is a really expensive hobby.”

What behind scene magic takes place when you create?

“I would not say that this is “magic.”  Most often this is hard work.”

Got anything special planned for your channel soon?

“More recently, I created a OnlyFans account on which I plan to post more unreleased photos, backstages and selfies, which I do not risk posted on Instagram. I also have plans for 2B’s photoset. This time I want to make really cool desktop wallpapers for my fans.”

Share with us a favorite mantra you live by when it comes to creating content!

“«На других надейся, а сам не плошай» This is a Russian proverb. The point is that you should always try yourself, and do not rely on other people.”

Got any favorite creators you look up to?

“There are many such creators, I can’t list all of them.”

Message for aspiring creators like you?

“Do not listen to the haters, there will always be people who will support you.”

Cosplaying, as Linofilia mentioned, can be quite expensive with every wig, make-up, prosthetics, and custom outfit. Regardless, this didn’t stop her from persevering!

There might be a couple of hurdles to overcome along the way — but Linofilia proves that as long as you have the drive to continue, nothing is really impossible.

Believe in yourself and do your best in doing what you love the most. Check out her social media profiles to stay updated!

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