Pewdiepie Breaks the Internet by Claiming He’d Eat Baby Yoda

Pewdiepie Breaks the Internet by Claiming He’d Eat Baby Yoda

Pewdiepie broke the internet…. yet again.

With the photo and concept art of baby Yoda flooding everyone’s timelines, the Youtube superstar jumped on the bandwagon pretty quickly.

“Ngl I would eat baby yoda”

His tweet has over 10K retweets and 122k likes as of writing.

These stills of baby Yoda are from the new Disney+ Star Wars: The Mandalorian series, which premiered last November 12.

Star Wars fans post photos of baby Yoda across all social media channels non-stop, to the point where it has been on the trending list for weeks now.

It’s no surprise how the Youtuber joined the hype by saying something so… Pewdiepie-like.

Fans echoed the Swede’s outrageous sentiment.

“Eat baby yoda you must”
“Looks like a Kiwi”
“This is probably your most controversial statement yet.”

The online world has seen the Youtube superstar start all kinds of ruckus, from boldly comparing the PRC president to Winnie the Pooh to starting controversy for his widely alledged “anti-Semitic posts”.

He has discovered player-made swastikas in his game Tuber Simulator and was in a gag where he was unwittingly caught gazing at an Adolf Hitler speech on Youtube.

Although he has a rich history of controversies, Pewds still dominates the famous Youtuber list. He is currently the most-followed individual content creator on the platform with 102 million followers.

His influence and fame is globally encompassing, to the point where he achieved the same name recognition as the NBA superstar Lebron James among Gen Z males.

Felix “Pewdiepie” Kjellberg has never shied away from controversy or deliberately-offensive humour, though.

In fact, he sees his content as entirely for entertainment, and bases many of his jokes and skits on his viewers.

For him to say something as bizarrely hilarious as eating baby Yoda is just his way of staying in character — to many fans at least.

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