Pokimane Gives Men an Advice to Stop Talking about the “Friend Zone”

On a February 16 OfflineTV podcast, the internet’s favorite gamer girl Pokimane gave out dating and relationship advice.

This proved to be exciting for many of Poki’s fans, especially gamer boys and girls who can use a wisdom or two from her.

Together with her OfflineTV friends, she talked about topics ranging from dating to obvious red flags to look out for in a relationship.

However, she spared no sweet talk when it came to giving advice to guys who want to get out of the friendzone.

The ‘GIRL TALK’ segment of the OfflineTV podcast had Imane “Pokimane” Anys opening up about her thoughts on dating. She also said how the “friend zone” needs to stop being hyped and talked about too often.

She was joined with her all-girl panel of friends: OfflineTV members Yvonnie, LilyPichu, and fellow streamer Fuslie.

As they began their recent episode, Poki playfully talked about what could their audience possibly want to hear from them.

“I bet what they’re wondering, is how to get out of the friend zone.”

Proceeding to give an advice for those who are curious, she said:

“…My number one tip is DON’T ever talk about the friend zone. If a guy is ever like “I feel like I’m in the friend zone with you” I’m like nuh uh bye!”

Anys said with a passion, as she shook her head and waved her hand in a motion.

Yvonnie agreed with her thoughts and weighed in on the matter as well:

“Usually how a guy gets out of the friend zone is that they’ve just been a friend for so long and something happens.”

To which Pokimane added: “Like allow her to see you in different lights. Because one of those may trigger further interests!”

Poki decidedly delved further, proving fans how she has relevant experience to what she’s talking about:

“Every single time I instantly knew he wanted to date, not like he wanted to get to know me or just be friends, it just puts so much pressure on it. It’s like were going on a DATE, not just hanging out and getting to know each other!”

She said it has bothered her when guys easily assumed they know who she is as a person, considering she’s somehow an open book on the online world:

“It feels like they think they know me, so they already know they want to date me. But I know they don’t actually know me, because we haven’t hung out much.”

Remembering a similar story as early as the seventh grade, Poki revealed how she shot down an admirer before breaking into a laugh:

“This guy told me he liked me. And I said “no you don’t. You don’t even know me!” I still feel that way, but I wouldn’t say it like that.”

From being Twitch’s number one gamer girl to being a relationship guru, Pokimane sure has everything that it takes. A power package deserving to be in the limelight!

Giving out advice to her viewers is something the streamer usually does. Her advice is not only limited to dating and relationships, as she also reminds her fans to take care of themselves.

This warm personality of hers is what makes her lovable to many of her loyal fans. As of writing, she continues to dominate Twitch with 3.9 million followers.

She’s also a social media powerhouse, having millions of followers on Youtube, Twitter, and Instagram.

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