Alinity’s Cat Gets Revenge in a Recent Livestream

Natalia “Alinity” Mogollon is among the most popular faces on Twitch, but her fame is also tainted with lots of controversies.

In case you missed it, she was under investigation last year for throwing her cat while on stream.

At present, the drama has been blown over. Fortunately, there hasn’t been a related incident involving her cat since.

Recently though, it seems like one of the Twitch streamer’s cats didn’t forget how she had done them dirty in the past.

In a seemingly act of revenge, Maya the cat seized the opportunity to chomp the streamer’s arm  as she was singing her heart out to some classic Aerosmith.

He finally got the payback he deserved.

However, it’s worth pointing out (in a closer look) that the cat that got tossed on stream was Milo, not Maya.

It was not the same cat as most initially assumed it to be.

Alinity fans need not to worry, though. The bite didn’t seem to be too painful, as suggested by the star’s reaction.

Shortly after, Alinity took a moment to explain the reason behind why Maya decidedly bit her arm.

“He interrupts my singing as a female being in heat. I’m sorry, I will never sing again. I promise to God I will not sing again,”

she says while petting the fluffy pet.

Alinity has since drawn the ire of viewers and animal rights activists. PETA even pushed for the streamer to be banned on Twitch.

“Take a stand for cats & please remove Alinity from @Twitch immediately. She is using the platform to post animal abuse, which sends a dangerous message to anyone watching her videos. Cats are not props to abuse for more views.”

But, there hasn’t been any real consequences for the star’s actions. Twitch only acknowledged that the platform has vague rules when it comes to streamer actions that concerns animal abuse.

Fans were quick to share their thoughts about the hilarious yet bizarre incident:

“I have lived with cats my whole life. That is a cat that seriously hates the owner. Never seen a cat hate a human like that…”

“That’s what happens when you abuse your animals. My ex use to scream and kick my cat out of the way and whenever he would get close to me my cat would bite him. Happy to say my cat and I left him.”

“Real talk tho, that behavior from the cat is SPECIFICALLY because of how nasty she treats it. Poor cat deserves an actual loving home.”

Regardless of the controversies surrounding the Twitch starlet, it’s a well-established fact how Alinity adores her cats.

They are a constant companion on her streams as they often hover and climb around her.

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