A Beginner’s Guide to League of Legends: Wild Rift

The MOBA game genre isn’t anything new to most gamers. From the likes of DoTA 2 and League of Legends on PC, Arena of Valor and Mobile Legends: Bang Bang on mobile, it’s no surprise how the genre continues to attract a solid player base.

It was only time for Riot Games to introduce their own LoL mobile port in the form of Wild Rift, which has launched an Open Beta stage in several countries. If anything, WR is among the most highly anticipated mobile games of the year.

Shortly after it was made available in select regions, Wild Rift has been enjoying success on Google Play and even landed the top slot as the #1 strategy game on the App Store.

Another MOBA?

Since the game is basically another MOBA, a common misconception is that it is similar to other existing titles with a far more established player base and community. However, it’s important to note how WR is different to other mobile MOBA titles.

It is basically League of Legends, which makes it easy for veteran LoL PC players to make their transition into mobile. But since the game is transferred on a handheld device, there are also some small adjustments needed to be made.

The map is the same, minus the base’s two Nexus turrets and inhibitors.

Some champion skills were also tweaked. For instance, Lux’s ultimate now spans from base to base and Ashe’s Ultimate can now be controlled. Lee Sin’s “Safeguard” skill also doesn’t need a ward or champion to dash through anymore.

Before you Rank

Players may choose between four game modes on Wild Rift: Ranked, Normal: PVP, Co-op vs. AI, Training: Tutorials, Practice or Custom: Blind Pick, Draft Pick.

Ranked mode can be unlocked once your account reaches Level 10, where you can start participating in competitive matches and earn points that will put you on the leaderboards

If you’re not on Level 10 just yet, keep studying your chosen champions in casual games. Play against others in PVP mode or versus AI.

Finish the tutorials under Training to get rewards for your account. There’s also a handy Practice feature in the game, where you can try out different champions, practice their skills, master combos, or test new items.

Laning and Roles

In Wild Rift, you have to familiarize 5 general roles: Top, Mid, ADC, Support and Jungler.

The in-game map isn’t automatically mirrored unlike other mobile MOBA titles, but  players are guided with indicators of either ‘solo’ and ‘duo’ on the lane as the game begins. This placement is done to ensure there will be no top-down or left-right disadvantages, for players on the red side in particular.

Regardless of your team, the base will always be located on the bottom left of the map, with the enemy base located on the top right.

The map is generally divided into 3 lanes, Top (Baron Lane), Mid, and Bot (Dragon Lane). Each lane has a champion, with the surrounding jungle being the Jungler’s domain.

  • Top

In the baron lane, players usually pick tanky, bruiser champions with a solid health pool and can make good use of defensive stats, health and damage.

The top is considerably a quiet place compared to the other lanes, especially with experienced players in higher tiers. The lone top players stay in the lane for most of the game, unless the jungler visits the lane and goes for a surprise attack (gank) or the top lane player has an aggressive playstyle.

Players go for bruiser champions to help the team split push and secure objectives like Rift Herald and Baron, which are located at the top of the map.

  • Mid

The Mid lane isn’t only limited to mage characters with burst skills and heavy crowd control abilities. On Wild Rift, you can pick from many champions (mages, assassins, or fighters) to take to the mid lane.

It’s ideal to build AD/AP damage while you’re at it. This is to maximize the burst damage of your chosen mid-lane champion.

Also, try to roam and visit other lanes after you’ve cleared the enemy minion wave. Who knows, maybe you’ll land some skills, help push enemy turrets, and help secure objectives such as the Dragon or Baron.

  • ADC

The ADC (Attack Damage Carry) or Marksman usually goes in the Bot lane along with a Support.

Being the “Carry” of the team, ADC champions typically farm to maximize their Damage output, get kills, and help secure objectives for the team.

Since they are one of the core damage dealers, ADCs are rather squishy and easy to kill. Hence, they are often found alongside a Support champion which helps provide vision, heal or shield, and absorbs incoming damage.

  • Support

Support champions are the unsung hero of the team. They are often found alongside their ADC, mainly babysitting them and helping them level up. Their main objective is not to kill enemies, but to protect their allies and help them make the most of their skills.

Some support characters on Wild Rift can give buff to allies, shields, or even give global healing. Meanwhile, others opt to take tank characters as support for a more solid defense from opponents.

  • Jungler

Considered as the hardest role to master on any MOBA, junglers on WR hold two crucial main tasks of helping laners win their lanes with the occasional ganks and securing objectives such as Dragons, Rift Herald and Baron Nashor.

Since the jungler does not have any lane to farm on, Jungle lane champs get their exp as they kill Jungle monsters from the start of the match. To help clear the Jungle monsters, this role also equips a special spell called Smite.

League of Legends Champions In Wild Rift

If you’re a veteran  League of Legends (LOL) player on PC, here are some familiar faces you will see on Wild Rift:

  • Ahri – The nine-tailed fox. She is usually in mage and assassin roles, as she is a range champion that deals magic damage with spell cast abilities, charm, and blink.
  • Akali – The Fist of Shadow. This assassin champion mostly does Mixed Damage and presents good mobility.  She needs to build magic damage, health, and cooldown reduction since Akali can deal high magic damage in any teamfight.
  • Alistar – The minotaur. A tank and support, this champion has an incredible defense rate and great crowd control (CC) skills. Commonly played in Baron Lane.
  • Amumu – The sad mummy. Mostly does magic damage and has lots of Crowd Control. This Vanguard Champion is commonly played in the Jungle.
  • Annie – The dark child. She has a mage and support role, since she is a range champion that deals magic damage with spell cast abilities, stun passive, and bear summoning ultimate.
  • Ashe – The frost archer. She is a marksman and can also play the support role, since she is a range champion that deals physical damage with slow arrow, fast attack speed ability, and stun ultimate.
  • Aurelion Sol – The star forger. A mage that relies and deals great damage with his Celestial Orbs. This champion holds a strong Level 2 potential and can beat almost anyone except Yasuo in trades.
  • Blitzcrank – The Great Steam Golem. This champion can play tank and support roles with stun, knock up, and high armor ultimate.
  • Braum – The Heart of the Freljord. Another tank and support champion, which has an incredible defensive shield, stun and knock-up ultimate ability.
  • Camille – The Steel Shadow. Camille is a fighter, with abilities that deal extra damage to the enemy and allows her to pull herself to the wall before stunning the enemy.
  • Dr. Mundo – The Madman of Zaun. Dr. Mundo can be either a tank or fighter with incredible defense rate and damage skills.
  • Evelynn – The Widowmaker. An assassin, her abilities deal extra magic damage to the enemies, charm them, and execute.
  • Ezreal – The Prodigal Explorer. A marksman and mage, he is a range champion that deals physical and magic damage with spell cast ability, flash, and a lethal target ultimate ability.
  • Fiora – The Grand Duelist. A fighter and assassin, this melee champion has abilities that can slow the enemy’s movement speed, stun them, and has a four vitals hit ultimate.
  • Fizz – The Tidal Trickster. This melee champion can play either assassin and mage roles, dealing magic damage with spell cast abilities, blink, slow and a knock up ultimate.
  • Garen – The Might of Demacia. He can be played as a tank or a fighter. This melee champion has abilities that can stun, shield, and an ultimate that can dish out true damage.
  • Gragas – The Rabble Rouser. This champion can play Tank and Mage roles. As a melee ability damage champion, he uses a barrel to slow the enemy’s movement speed, has a stun ability for a short duration, and a knock back ultimate ability.
  • Graves – The Outlaw. He is a marksman and a fighter champion. A range champion, he can deal great physical damage, disable, dash, and dish out high damage.
  • Janna – The Storm’s Fury. Both a support and a mage, Janna features a great ability power and is most useful when aiding her allies with a number of utility skills.
  • Jarvan IV – The Exemplar of Demacia. This Diver champion is commonly played in the Jungle with his physical damage. He is considered as an overall reliable choice.
  • Jax – Grandmaster at Arms. This fighter/melee duelist champion dishes out high damage, stunt, dash, and has a bonus defend ultimate ability.
  • Jhin – The Virtuoso. Classified as both a marksman and mage, this range champion deals physical damage with trap ability and has a powerful ultimate that can snipe the enemy without vision.
  • Jinx – The Loose Cannon. A ranged marksman champion with 2 types of basic attack, trap ability, and a rocket target projectile that deals high damage.
  • Kai’Sa – Daughter of the Void. This marksman/ADC champion mostly dishes out Magic Damage and has good mobility.
  • Lux – The Lady of Luminosity. A mage and support, Lux is a ranged champion that deals magic damage that can detain and slow the enemies and with an ultimate ability that has unlimited range.
  • Malphite – Shard of the Monolith. This tank champion has armor, stun, and a knock up ultimate.
  • Master Yi – The Wuju Bladesman. This Skirmisher Champion is commonly taken in the Jungle. Master Yi mostly does Physical Damage and can deal a great amount of damage.
  • Miss Fortune – The Bounty Hunter. She is a range marksman or attack damage carry (adc) that has a high burst damage, can slow down the enemies, and a powerful channel ultimate.
  • Nami – The Tidecaller. This support/mage champion provides increased damage (buff) and crowd control abilities to help her allies.
  • Nasus – The Curator of the Sands. The Juggernaut Champion is usually played in the Baron Lane, and mostly dishes out Physical Damage and is a considerably tanky pick.
  • Olaf – The Berserker. This diver champion is commonly played in the Jungle, and does Physical Damage. Overall, Olaf proves to be a reliable choice.
  • Orianna – The Lady of Clockwork. As a mage and support, this champion deals magic damage with  slows, shield, movement speed increase, and a crowd control ultimate ability.
  • Seraphine – The Starry-Eyed Songstress. Her passive encourages the mage/support champion to play aggressively while providing support to her allies. She can also give shields to her teammates and heal them.
  • Shyvana – The Half-Dragon. A fighter and a tank, Shyvana can deal both physical and magic damage. She transforms into a dragon with her ultimate ability.
  • Singed – The Mad Chemist. A Tank and Mage melee champion, Singed deals magic damage with his poison, has a fast movement speed, and presents a good potential for split pushing.
  • Sona – Maven of the Strings. This support and mage champion provides buff for her allies such as increased damage, SPD movement, and crowd control capabilities that is useful in team fights.
  • Soraka – The Starchild. A ranged support-Mage champion, Soraka is best at giving buffs for the team, healing allies and preventing a lot of damage.
  • Tryndamere – The Barbarian King. This fighter champion is a melee duelist damage carry which has abilities that can slow, dash, and a rage ultimate.
  • Twisted Fate – The Card Master. This mage/marksman ranged champion deals magic damage that can stun, slow, trigger mana regen, and teleport.
  • Varus – The Arrow of Retribution. This marksman champion mostly dishes out Physical Damage and can deal a lot of damage. He is considered as moderately difficult to play.
  • Vayne – The Night Hunter. This marksman and assassin champion has a powerful physical damage passive, can burst great damage, and stun.
  • Vi – The Piltover Enforcer. This melee diver champion possesses high armor penetration, dash, and a knock up ultimate ability.
  • Xin Zhao – The Seneschal of Demacia. A fighter/tank champion, this powerful melee duelist has high damage and a direct dash ability.
  • Yasuo – The Unforgiven. This fighter and assassin champion is also a melee duelist with high damage, dash, and an airborne ultimate ability.
  • Zed – The Master of Shadows. This melee champion deals physical damage with abilities such as shadow blink, slow and invisibility.
  • Ziggs – The Hexplosives Expert. A mage/support champion, Zigg deals magic damage along with slow, knock up, turret execution, and a big boom ultimate.

It is important to have a solid grasp of how each champion works on Wild Rift. Since MOBA games are greatly reliant on teamwork and composition, you have to be mindful of your team’s choice of champions when you enter a match and the draft pick begins.

When starting out your ranked journey, mastering one to two champions might make the cut but there’s always a great chance someone in the opposing team may choose your desired champion ahead of you.

To avoid feeding on ranked and getting flamed by your team for underperforming, always prepare secondary or tertiary choices.

As you progress with the game, it’s also important that you know how to make adjustments to your play style depending on the champion composition of your team. Learn how to blend with your allies’ play style as well.

Having a solid understanding on how each Wild Rift champion works, their skill sets and limitations, will give you an idea in dealing with them as enemies in the arena. This will allow you to formulate effective countering strategies.

For instance, knowing a champion’s passive and skill abilities will give you an idea on the potential tactics they may use. You’ll be able to read their moves and predict their choices, resulting in possible skillful outplays and brilliant maneuvers.

You also have to be familiar with the season’s META champion picks— so you can use it to your advantage accordingly.


Farming in MOBA is to grind for more gold and XP. If you want to know if you’re falling behind, you might want to check the in-game stats during the match and compare your gold progression with your counterpart in the enemy team.

Riot Games noted prior to Wild Rift’s launch how they aim to make the games run quicker, compared to League matches on PC which usually lasts for more than half an hour. In doing so, they’ve adjusted the mechanics on the mobile port by ensuring players still earn some gold even if they do not last hit. They have also made minions much more appealing to kill.

Keep in mind that farming might greatly affect the success of your gameplay, as gold and the right items are crucial to secure an upper hand against your opponents.

Items on Wild Rift are notably cheaper to assemble, as well. Most only require two-ingredient items to be built except for TriForce. It’s also way cheaper in comparison with PC League.

But since the items operate differently somehow, you need to be mindful in choosing what you actually want as Boot upgrades cannot be changed once bought.

To make the process a bit easier to track, Wild Rift minions have a special indicator that informs players when they should the last hit to get Gold and EXP. This is especially important for ADC or marksman players, since they have to maximize their gold income. Therefore, missing last hits on minions is a no-no!

Items and Runes

Another feature that sets Wild Rift apart from other MOBA titles is that players must return to the base in order to purchase items.

Because of this, players must have to time their recalls smartly depending on the current minion waves. It is advisable to securely push the lane before recalling back to the base, so the enemy doesn’t have a chance to push and take your turret as you buy various items back at your base.

A number of mobile MOBA titles such as ML:BB’s emblem system follows a pay-to-win scheme, where players can opt to upgrade if they purchase it with diamond. In contrast, the Runes on Wild Rift are made available to every player for free.

Regardless of whether you’re a free to play or play to win gamer, all players on the Rift will enjoy access to the same runes. Each Rune Page is composed of a Keystone, a Domination Rune, a Resolve Rune, and an 1 Inspiration Rune.

Different champions can take advantage of particular runes, which can improve their stats or give them special abilities that will complement their skill set. As a beginner, spend some time in getting acquainted with different runes to discover which is the best for your main role and champion.

You do not need to be intimidated by the idea, though, especially as a newcomer. Wild Rift will present a predetermined Rune setup for each champion you select, but you are free to change things as you see fit before the match starts.

Once you’re well-versed with how the runes work, you may even personalize your own rune composition for every champ in the loadout menu.


League of Legends: Wild Rift continues to prove its growth in the mobile gaming scene. Some pro-esports organizations are already forming their competitive rosters for the game as early as today, which suggests the community might enjoy an active eSports scene soon.

If you’re a LoL veteran player on PC, shifting over to your smartphones or tablets will be a relatively easy transition. However, even if you’re someone who doesn’t have that much knowledge on how League or MOBA games work, you will do okay— as long as you practice often and do your part in studying the game.

See you in the Rift!

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