Korean Streamer HAchubby has an Interesting Take on Trying Out Dog Food

The Twitch star dropped by the OfflineTV house to catch up with the gang. She later appeared on LilyPichu’s stream and gave dog treats on her desk a try — which she apparently enjoyed.

The Korean streamer’s tour across America had been phenomenal so far.

She stopped in with Maya Higga for a walk around LA, did impromptu dances while on the sidewalk, and kept in touch with her other streamer friends.

As she dropped by the OfflineTV house, she ended up joining LilyPichu on her livestream. The pair answered questions from fans and talked about their lives.

HAchubby’s attention drifted to a random box of dog treats laying on Lily’s desk. Interested, she asked what were those for.

Lily explained how the treats were for her dog, Temmie, although they were completely edible for humans as well.

“The ingredients are just like flour, peanut butter, strawberry, egg, it’s not human food but humans can eat it. I’ve tried it, it’s very plain, it doesn’t taste like anything, but you don’t need to try dog food unless you want to.”

HAchubby decided to brave one out for herself.

“I’m just curious because it’s just like human food, like [we] can eat this.”

She was then offered by Lily a “bone”, which the Korean star accepted gladly save for one serious inquiry.

“I’m not going to die, right?”

She sniffed the said treat and after making sure there were no ulterior motives like an inside prank, Hachu nibbled on the dog treat.

She went through an obvious flurry of emotions: from perplexed to pleased. But one thing’s for sure, she did seemingly enjoy the dog treat.

“I like it, can I eat more? Delicious. Oh my god…”

The Korean star’s statement only left Lily embarrassed, as she put her head in her hands.

Lily then offered to get “real” food for the both of them, which they tucked into a few minutes later.

The dog treat seemed to be a great appetizer but that’s not all what fans liked the most about this collaboration!

If anything, it only made them wanting more possible collabs in the future. Lily and HAchubby seems to be an interesting bunch to watch live.

HAchubby is continuously becoming more popular by the day on Twitch, thanks to her lovable personality attracting hundreds of viewers to watch her comedic impersonations and ‘Just Chatting’ streams.

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