Pewdiepie more liked than Lebron James among Gen Z males?

Youtube icon Pewdiepie is said to have the same name recognition as the NBA superstar Lebron James among Gen Z males— but it turns out, the former has a higher favorability rating according to a new study.

The findings are from the research firm Morning Consult, where millennial consumers were asked about their common sentiment toward influencers.

88% of those surveyed said it’s important for influencers to genuinely care about their interests which includes “inspiration” and “aspiration”.

A key finding of the study found out that for Gen Z, major influencers are as well-liked and well-known as mainstream celebrities.

In some cases, even more so.

Pewdiepie and Lebron James have the same level of name recognition (95%) among Gen Z males, but more of them (62%) have a favorable view of Pewdiepie than James (55%).

This prompted Pewdiepie to hilariously troll the Los Angeles Lakers’ three-time NBA champion in a recent tweet.

People like Lebron James??

Tagging the official Twitter account of Sprite, he further says:

Need a new face for sprite cranberry bro?

In 2017, an animated depiction of LeBron James in a commercial for the soft drink Sprite Cranberry went viral.

Although having similar name recognition to the NBA superstar, Pewdiepie is actually viewed more favorably by the Gen Z male demographic.

Understandably enough, the Youtube star won’t dare to miss out on the chance of trolling Lebron James for a valid reason.

Many fans replied to Pewdiepie’s original tweet as they echoed the recent study findings in agreement:

“Pewdiepie has many more than his 9 years old army, including me. Being banned in China does not make him less popular, or may be even in the contrary.”
“I love PewDiePie”
“everyone saying “who’s that” has never been on youtube in their life before😂😂😂”

Felix ‘PewDiePie’ Kjellberg has indeed established himself as one of the most notable names in the online world. He is the biggest YouTuber on the planet, with over 102M subscribers.

He achieved worldwide fame and influence for his variety of gaming content, satirical music videos, and other real-life content.

The particular study puts Pewdiepie second in the list of most recognized male influencers, ahead of the likes of Lebron James, Steph Curry and Elon Musk. He’s only behind Justin Bieber, who dominates the list.

Though, Pewds’ favorability rating is at a whopping 62%. This is a stark comparison with James’ 55% and Bieber’s 18%.

Lebron James is yet to respond to Pewdiepie’s taunting tweet. Truthfully, it might be unlikely that he will— but that doesn’t stop fans from waiting for any updates!

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