Pokimane Left Stunned by Insane Twitch Donation

Twitch’s #1 female streamer Pokimane was left stunned when a generous fan donated a whooping 2,020 USD “because it’s almost 2020”.

The huge amount of money left the star at a loss for words in the middle of her livestream.

Twitch aside, Imane “Pokimane” Anys is considered a complete online powerhouse with a combined 12 million followers on her Instagram and YouTube accounts.

She has built a name for herself thanks to her laid-back streams and bubbly personality.

During her December 9 stream, in particular, she was left speechless when a viewer donated an jaw-dropping amount of money.

She was browsing through the new Louis Vuitton clothing collection on their website when a donation from a viewer (yes, a 2,020 USD donation) popped up on a notification across the screen.

A fan who goes by the name of “Misterjons94_” donated the amount, and his reason for donating the said money was read aloud by the system:

“Because it’s almost 2020.”

Apparently, the viewer wanted to match his money to the upcoming new year.

Sitting in silence, she put her hand over her mouth in a state of total shock. It took a few seconds for Pokimane to collect herself together after such a pleasant surprise.

She even pulled open the donation tab to make sure she’s heard the right amount.

“Jeez louise! What!? Uh… thank you! That’s a lot of money. Are you sure you want to give that much money?! Thank you very much. I haven’t gotten a donation that big in I don’t even know when!”

“I hope you are in a position where you are able to afford giving!”

Although Pokimane is an established streamer who’s regularly pulling huge viewership numbers, donations that huge are still pretty rare.

It’s understandable why the internet personality was clearly left speechless.

In 2019 alone, she gained 1 million new followers on her official Twitch channel. This makes her total follower count to over 3.6 million.

For someone like Pokimane who works hard in giving quality content and inspiring her fans and viewers to take care of themselves — this donation is definitely well-deserved!

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