Small Twitch streamer visibly emotional after another PewDiePie donation

In a recent #SupportSmallStreamers act, PewDiePie went to take his influence and popularity to promote up-and-rising and aspiring streamers.

Small Twitch streamer ‘BluWolfie123’ got visibly emotional after discovering that YouTube icon PewDiePie donated to his channel for the second time around.

He didn’t shy away from expressing his gratitude over the support and the generous act for his channel.

Generosity towards small streamers

PewDiePie, dubbed as the rightful face of YouTube, has been doing some generous acts often over the last few months.

He’s known to donate to different charities on a monthly basis, ranging from organizations geared towards mental health awareness to saving the environment.

In October, he donated all of his streaming subscriber money ($144k) to a mental health charity.

But, his kindness and generosity doesn’t stope there. As a good samaritan, Pewds also donates money to small streamers on Twitch, and even made headlines in September when he gave a small Twitch streamer his first donation ever.

More recently, the small streamer became emotional when the Swedish content creator donated to his channel again on October 15.

Second donation

Last September 24, BluWolfie123 was playing the hyped social deduction multiplayer game Among Us upon receiving a donation from PewDiePie.

He was visibly stunned upon knowing, unsure if it was really the YouTuber himself. He exclaimed:

“That’s f**king insane. What the hell! It’s my first donation!”

Then on October 15, the YouTube superstar decided to donate another $100 to the streamer once more.

“This is the same [streamer] from last time. Hey, he grew in viewers, good for him!”

Visibly surprised as he was, BluWolfie couldn’t help but express his bewilderment.

“What the f**k?!”

He also went on to thank Pewds in his livestream, since he could be watching the broadcast at the moment:

“Holy s**t, thank you! I wanted to say thank you. I commented on your last video, but it got buried. Yo, if you’re there, I wanted to say thank you before. I wanted to thank you directly. If you’re here, thank you! You’re f**king awesome! I can not thank you enough.”

Wholesome vibes

Pewds also thanked Wolfie in return for his kind words, before telling his viewers to check out the latter’s Twitch channel.

“Check out BluWolfie, he’s so wholesome,”

Wolfie acknowledged the lucky situation he found himself in on his About page.

“I got super lucky thanks to the Pewds and his community and I’m super happy.”

Aside from Wolfie, the YouTube star also gave donations to other small streamers on Twitch. A few of them even cried as Pewds personally popped in their broadcasts to watch them live.

What a wholesome man!

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