Trisha Paytas reveals her regrets about ‘transgender’ announcement

Youtube Star Trisha Paytas took the internet community by storm after uploading a controversial video on October 7, where she came out as a “gay, transgender man”

In her coming out video, Paytas explained how she’s been a victim of childhood bullying since she grew facial hair, received male nicknames, and stated how she is attracted to gay man. She said she “identifies with men better.”

The Youtuber uploaded a recent vlog titled ‘apology’ in the wake of the backlash, where she said:

I am overwhelmed by the amount of backlash. I put out that video and in no way did I think I would get so much backlash and hate – and a ton of hate from the LGBTQ+ community. That alone breaks my heart so much because I would never want to offend that community.

The video sparked outrage online after its publication. Many viewers were quick to accuse the Youtube star of exploiting the transgender community for clicks and views.

Her biggest regret about her announcement? Her explanation of her identity.

In a video interview by TMZ, Trisha explained:

I regret the way I explained myself… I don’t regret talking about it. …I’m not a spokesperson for the trasngender community, you know what I mean? I just know I’ve always been trasngender, so I just talked about it.

Later on, she claimed she has made a mistake regarding the “sensitivity” of her announcement.

On the prospect of undergoing gender reassignment surgery, the ex-celebrity big brother contestant revealed she had no plans to do so because she doesn’t believe it’s for her. She doesn’t want to dress like a “boy.”

This wouldn’t be the first time for Paytas to react to outrage on her video. The star revealed she has been in “gender identity therapy” for six months now, and the outrage only brings more harm than good to her.

Viewers are confused when she said how she’s a thousand percent transgender, but also how she identifies with her natural born gender a thousand percent.

She has since faced a great amount of backlash. One commenter said:

Trisha it’s not about how you dress it’s literally that you’re 100% okay with your birth gender and you only feel like a guy bc you have guy friends and wanna date gay guys and have short hair you cannot just choose to be trans like that.

However, there are viewers who asked for the audience to show more empathy. Her fellow Youtube content creator Jake Edwards said:

No trans person entered this world with a full understanding of the correct terminology to use. My main issue with the video was the lack of understanding and conflating gender stereotypes with gender identity….BUT this should be met with allowing Trisha the space to learn.

Her gender announcement has been garnerning divisive opinions.

Critics found her explanation lacking and remains to find fault with her announcement. Many continue to accuse the Youtuber of seeking attention in the wake of her controversial statements.

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