Is PewDiePie moving to Japan?

Youtube sensation Pewdiepie has opened up about his plans to move to Japan in a recent livestream, as he discussed the plans for his move.

Felix Kjellberg, famously known as Pewdiepie to his millions of subscribers across the world, currently lives in the UK. He has settled in the country for many years now since moving from his come country, Sweden.

He has lived in various countries β€” but his next move is to settle in Japan.

Recently married to his long time girlfriend, Marzia, Pewd’s widely-known love for Japan could mean a permanent move might be in his plans.

It is important to note that the pair spent their second honeymoon in the land of the rising sun in October.

In a recent livestream, he revealed that the plans to move early next year is on the cards. He expressed his hope to take their dogs with them and sort out visas to stay for long-term.

However, due to European laws, there might be some problems along the way when acquiring the visa.

We don’t know how long we’re going to stay in Japan… It depends on a lot of things like taxes and VISAs. Under EU law, I have to be in the UK for a certain amount of days or I’ll be taxed in another country.

During the stream, the Youtuber also explained how he “benefits from Brexit” as he gets less taxes but he insisted he’s against it.

It feels so backwards, I don’t even know how we’ll work with countries, like that was the only good thing about Europe, that you can travel to other countries and live there if you wanted to.

Honesty is the best policy, or so it seems to Pewdiepie.


While fans continue to ask him if he’s going to do a house tour of their Japan abode, the 29-year-old politely expressed his thoughts on their request.

He would love to do a house tour video, but the concern remains on how his viewers might be able to know and determine his address. Pewds is keen on protecting his privacy, now that he’s planning to move with his wife.

The Youtuber first revealed about their recent property purchase in Japan in September, but did not mention anything about a potential move.

He did express some concerns about living in Japan though: the “conservative” culture, as he described it.

In particular, Tattoos are often deemed inappropriate because of its historical ties to the Yakuza, Japan’s infamous criminal gangs.

Many fans are excited for their favorite Youtuber to embark on this possibly new journey, though. Pewdiepie’s love for Japan has always been broadcasted in his videos.

This move might open a new chapter for him and for his fans, if he shares real-time stories and content about his experience.

Who knows what Japan-related content Pewds might make once he makes the move?

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