Competitive changes confirmed for Valorant Act 3 & beyond

Brace yourselves, Valorant players! New changes and options are about to head over to the game’s current competitive or ranked modes.

Riot Games recently confirmed some updates are in store for Valorant’s competitive modes, which appears to be all fan-favorite additions.

Competitive update

Since the game’s launch, Riot devs are dedicated in the way they update the game whichever way they deem fit.

From balancing tweaks to issuing bug hotfixes, Riot is keen to ensure Valorant provides the best gaming experience for every player— or at least attempt to.

In particular, the game’s competitive settings have been updated often. The developers changed how the ranked system worked by adding “Act Ranks”, determined by a player’s past nine wins at the start of Act II.

With the launch of Act III coming closer, along with a brand new season on October 13, some players  already predicted the introduction of new features to the Valorant’s ranked/competitive modes.

Two major changes

On October 5, Riot revealed two major changes coming in Act III in a video update uploaded on Valorant’s official YouTube channel.

First, the devs are planning to reduce the ranks that a certain player can possibly enter matchmaking with. At the moment, players may queue up together with those who are six ranks higher and six ranks lower than their current rank.

After the update is implemented, the devs want to reduce both of the numbers to three, limiting the pool of players and ensuring lesser skill gap between two possible opposing teams.

Players with similar skill levels are now likely to matchmake with each other in the game’s competitive or ranked modes.

Another major update is enabling players to choose the server they want to join. Although in the video, the devs clarified that it doesn’t completely “guarantee” players can join the exact server that they wanted, but it increases the chance at the very least.

Fans seem to be appreciative at the news of the coming updates for Valorant’s competitive play, with some commenting:

“Yoo the feature where you chose your own region is soo pog. Finally ill be able to comunicate with my team instead of having to learn Turkish”

“Horray im not gonna demoted for just 1 fricking lose”

“The rank disparity is such a good change, I get Immortal 3’s queueing with diamonds to boost their rank, and I end up getting placed in the game to balance it out.”

“Valorant is actually listening to feedback unlike other games. Respect”

“One of the best devs i have ever come across!! You guys are so interactive. Thanks for bringing all the changes when required!!”

The dev team also confirmed that they are currently working on a public, region-based leaderboard for competitive play. Some players think it’s only about time for Valorant to have the feature, considering many are grinding on the 5v5 tactical shooter on a daily basis.

There’s yet to be an official date for the fan-favorite feature, but Riot said it might not be coming until at least the start of Episode II of the game’s lifecycle. As to when that is, it is currently on track for launch in 2021.

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