6 Fun Ways to Invite more members into your Discord Server

There are hundreds to thousands of live Discord servers on the internet. If you’re an admin, some might even be a little too similar to your very own server— if not better.

At some point, you might have asked yourself the question “What can I do to entice more people to join and check out my Discord server?”

If so, then buckle up and read on! Here are some fun ways you can easily do to invite more members into your Discord server.

But first, what is Discord?

Discord was a platform originally built to meet gaming demands.

A lot of PC gamers encounter problems like how to communicate with another player in the team, or how to better deal with a game’s subpar mic.

This is where Discord rose to prominence, a free-to-use app that blends the functionalities of apps like Skype and Slack with its user-friendly UI and a smooth video and voice chat function.

Discord is one of the most popular communication apps as of today. The platform boasts of over 250 million active users, with 14 million people logging in daily.

Not only did it fulfill its original purpose of talking to friends while playing games, but it has also turned into a great place to establish a niche community where like-minded users can socialize and meet new friends.

For a more comprehensive reading, check out our write up on Discord and why you should consider using the platform.

6 Fun Ways to Invite more Members into your Discord Server

How do you get more people to join and check out your Discord server? Well, here’s a list of the things you might want to do after reading the article:

1) Join Advertising servers

You don’t have to get off Discord if you want to grow your server. Like gaming and other niche servers, advertising servers also frequent Discord. Not only do these servers help you advertise your unique community to a wide audience, but they also provide you with additional tips and tricks to further grow your brand.

But before you think about enticing people to join your server, remember to read each server’s guidelines though! Some servers are strict when it comes to post formatting, and you wouldn’t want your effort to go to waste when a Bot ends up removing your post because it didn’t meet the minimum guidelines. This includes adding a permanent invitation link, a brief description of your server, and the like.

Some great advertising Discord servers are as follows:

  • Advertise your Server – This Discord server aims to be the leading server that helps other servers and owners grow and develop. They offer custom bump bots, resources such as the embed generator on their website, and more. They also cater premium advertising or sponsorships.
  • DK Advertisements – This is the right place to advertise and grow your server further. Join the server to reach plenty of other users and see your server grow impressively in no time! They even have advertising channels not only for your Discord server, but also for your other social media channels.
  • Advertising Universe – A fun place with over 40 advertising places. This server prides itself on friendly members from all across the globe! Join the community for a chance to be part of frequent giveaways, contests, and special events.
  • Nodokana Advertising – If you’re looking for a server to advertise your server and social media accounts, this is it. It’s also a fairly active community filled with wonderful people to meet and make good memories with. The server also has tons of channels on advertising, growth, and entertainment to give you the help you need.
  • Discord Growth Portal – Seeking for advertising services and expert advice on growing your server at no cost?  This server is the perfect place to be! Access the best advertising resources and growth tips on this server. It has partnerships, join 4 join, and various social media promotions.

2) Advertise on related subreddits

Much like Advertising Discord servers, there are also subreddits which act like an online directory of existing servers.

Think of it as the modern yellow pages- but on Discord servers. With so many servers out there, how can you convince people yours is the right fit for them? And with so many servers that’s almost similar to each other, how can you entice people yours is better?

For one, you can always post an informational post about your server community, telling people on Reddit why they should check out your server and what your server can bring to these people.

The trick is to catch your reader’s attention while answering the question: Why join us?

If you don’t highlight what makes your server unique from the rest, chances are people will ignore what you’ve written and move on to Discord servers with a much more intimate description info.

For starters, you can check out Discord Servers, Discord Advertising, and Discord App Servers.

3) Use Twitter!

On average, around 6,000 tweets are posted on Twitter every second. That’s about roughly 500 million tweets on a daily basis!

It only goes to prove how Twitter is one of the most famous social media platforms. These days, it seems like everyone is on Twitter to share their thoughts or catch up with what’s happening around the world in real time.

That said, capitalize on your Twitter following by informing them of your very own Discord server. If you managed to cultivate a supportive community on the platform, some loyal followers might check out your Discord community.

Using hashtags and relevant keywords to your advertisement tweet might also help more like-minded people find their way onto your server.

4) Pin the invite code on your channel

If you’re a streamer or a content creator, you can always attach your Discord server invitation link on the About tab of your channel or profile.

Just don’t forget to add the non-expiring one, you wouldn’t want to piss off your fans with a link that’s not working!

Whenever your broadcast goes live, try to mention your Discord server to your audience as often as you can. Chances are, they might just check out the invitation link on your profile while tuning in.

Your avid fans and supporters would surely love a way to connect with you further, especially when your streams are offline.

5) Join community groups on Facebook

Joining community and niche groups on Facebook can help you connect with other users who are into the same things you like.

If your Discord server is into Gaming, you can join titular community groups on Facebook about Call of Duty or League of Legends to share your invitation link to a broader audience. The more specific, the better.

Fortunately, you can spot a bunch of like-minded members on community groups, which makes it easier for you to find potential new members for your own server.

Members of gaming communities are likely the ones who are also active on Discord. It’s the best avenue for you to scout new potential members!

6) Make use of video buttons

Another thing you can do as a content creator, or a YouTuber in particular, is to mention your Discord link during the intro/outro of your every upload. You can even attach a link to your non-expiring Discord invite link where anyone can conveniently access through a simple click.

Your viewers might also take the time to check out your Discord link if you opt to attach it where it’s easy to find instead, such as below your video in the description box.

Aside from the usual “Like, comment, share, and subscribe,” you can get creative and add “Join my Discord server link!” or anything you want. The sky’s the limit, really.

Discord as a way to meet new friends

Omegle? Chatroulette? The golden age of these famous chat communities where you can meet random people online is over. Discord is here to take the crown, and they have made the entire experience more convenient for everyone!

Not only do you get to vibe with strangers, but the best part is that they’re strangers who possibly share the same interests as you do— they watch the same content creator, they are into writing or painting, or they play the same video games you have spent countless sleepless nights over with.

There are plenty of fun things you can do on Discord, aside from the plain old voice calls and text chat. It’s also a great way to bond with potential new friends and form connections.

Even if members end up leaving or ignoring your advertisement post, any publicity is always good. As long as you get your Discord server’s name out there- that is already a win in itself.

Do not be discouraged if there’s no traction gained yet despite your consistent advertising efforts.

Remember that nothing worth having comes easy, and that includes growing a supportive and wide Discord following!

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