Will “virtual girlfriends” take over Twitch? A streamer explains how

A female streamer on Twitch has explained the rise of “virtual girlfriends” on the platform, and how this new trend could take over Twitch based on why certain users are flocking to the streaming site.

Twitch is one of the world’s leading live streaming platforms. Among the biggest Twitch stars are the names TSM_Myth, Shroud, Summit1g, RiotGames and DrDisRespectLIVE. Some of them are even earning millions by streaming alone.

The site isn’t just exclusively limited for gamers, but it has also turned into an avenue for streamers to chat to their viewers while they watch the things that interest them the most.

One Twitch streamer in particular, InvaderVie, regularly streams in the “Just Chatting” category and is different from the majority of gaming streamers you’ll typically see on the platform.

The “Just Chatting” category allows her to talk with her chat about a wide variety of topics, ranging from cosplay to gaming, and everything under the sun.

InvaderVie has garnered 83,000 followers with her unique streams. She has built a strong, core fanbase that tunes in regularly whenever the star goes live.

In a recent stream last October 20, the Twitch starlet explained what the “new market” is currently trending on Twitch, claiming that this is happening with increasing regularity.

Vie states that adult film stars will begin to stream on the platform more, backing her claims with the fact that there’s already been an influx of them doing non-adult content on their streams which is sure to get more views and hits.

Bridgett Devoue, a rising Twitch star, has been temporarily suspended from the streaming site for “sharing or engaging in sexually suggestive content or activities.”

Furthermore, she believes that the mix between adult and R18 content on other sites and the standard streaming content on Twitch will surely attract viewers.

Seeing their favorite stars stream in a different capacity elsewhere would give the fans a chance to get to know them in another way. For instance, they can ask the stars about their favorite games and TV series on the chat box.

Vie concluded the video by stating,

Hitting every single niche of โ€˜Iโ€™m your virtual girlfriend.

KittyPlaysGames on Twitch

Twitch has always kept their users in check by ensuring they adhere to their Terms of Service, with one part specifying how “sexually explicit content and activities… including solicitation and offers for such content, are prohibited.”

Rules surrounding this particular guideline may need to be revised and reconsidered if certain users are finding loopholes.

This might become a concern for parents who let their children use Twitch for gaming content.

Thus, the platform will certainly have to act on the matter and investigate what certain users are streaming on their channels and implement their community guidelines in a fair manner.

There is an ongoing debate over how the streaming platform should be used over the last few years. Some believe that real-life content is great and adds variety to the platform, while others are arguing how Twitch should strictly be for gaming content.

Either way, Twitch is likely to change and evolve soon whether fans like it or not.

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