Riot says a fix for micro-stutters in VALORANT will be implemented soon

If you’re one of the Valorant players burdened by the current micro-stutters, apparently you’re not alone. The good news is— Riot plans to investigate the issue and implement a hotfix soon.

It seems like the recent Valorant stability patch didn’t go as smooth as the devs expected it to be.

Immediate hotfix

Riot was quick to introduce a hotfix in all regions as a way to address various in-game issues, of which includes an audio bug on the new map Icebox and frozen or stuck map loading screens.

However, the recent mini-patch might have caused another problem with micro-stuttering— especially in the middle of combat.

The devs addressed the issue in an official tweet:

“Well, that hotfix didn’t catch everything – we’re aware of a new issue where some of you are experiencing micro-stutters in games (especially during combat). Investigating a fix now as a top priority.”


After the recent patch, many players reported the existence of micro-stutters when they are being headshot or killed.

Though the spike lasted for merely half a second, the delay was enough to impact matchmaking in a negative way.

The devs have taken accountability for the pressing issue, admitting they are aware of the problem and even labeled it as one of their top priorities.

Micro-stuttering can adversely affect a player’s in-game experience, which Riot is working to improve. Hence, players can likely expect a fix soon.

Majority of the player base seem to be relieved at Riot’s quick response to the pressing issue, before it totally got out of control:

“It happened to me all match in Icebox, thanks that you are trying to fix it”

“The audio also keeps randomly cutting in and out. It sometimes goes with the micro stutters, but sometimes also just happens randomly.”

“Thanks for the update! This was getting pretty annoying”

“It’s a big problem for me. Happens a lot but here is something I clipped. This doesn’t show it but it feels like when I get shot a nuke hits me. I freeze and it’s over.”

Valorant recently launched Act III on October 13, which brings a couple of exciting additions and changes such as a new map, battle pass, and skin line.

But just like other major updates in any game, several bugs continue to slip through.

This even included an Omen exploit that allows the hooded Agent to teleport right under Icebox’s Kitchen to his team’s advantage.

Regardless, Riot keeps true to its promise of ensuring nothing but the best gameplay experience for its players. It’s always nice to see the devs acknowledge player feedback and promise to solve these issues as soon as they can.

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