Streamer Adept Has a Warning for Gamer Men on TikTok

With thousands of users using TikTok on a daily basis, streamer Adeptthebest has a warning for an interesting audience on the app: gamer men.

She dropped a public service announcement to all gamer men who are, as she claims, being targeted on TikTok.

Tiktok continues to soar and gain popularity in 2020. Even gaming streamers and content creators use the app as a way to connect with their fans.

In a recent broadcast, Adeptthebest was watching a TikTok clip of girl seemingly happy about a footage of her boyfriend wearing his gaming headset.

Talking about women’s ulterior motives, she warned men to not fall into this trap.

She further claims that girls might be lying about liking that sort of message, only building up their appeal to appear likable especially among gamer men on TikTok.

The 25-year-old variety streamer has called out women’s possible deceitful nature in the past.

On the internet, you can be anyone you want to be. Online girls can paint their personalities in whichever way they like, especially if it brings them any personal benefit.

She began her warning for all gamer men on TikTok by saying:

“Something needs to be said… Gamer men, stop letting women specifically target you through these apps.”

Not shying away from being blunt with her thoughts, she also made fun of the girls who do this by mimicking how they generally behave online:

“Yeah, I love the gamers.”

“Not me. All the other girls are telling their boyfriends on TikTok to get off, but not me. If you send me a picture while wearing your headset I’ll love it.”

Ending her rant, she explained how if one’s S/O truly liked messages like these, she’s likely hoping to play games with the other whenever she gets the chance.

“If she really did love it, she’d be sitting on her fr*ckn Xbox right now playing the damn game herself and maybe sh*tting on you in the lobby.”

Her message throughout the clip is clear: girls on the internet may not be what they seem.

There’s no telling if your girlfriend, or another girl, actually dislikes getting snaps of you flexing your gaming gears.

Fans are divided whether she’s genuinely concerned about the welfare of gamer men on the app or if she’s merely getting on her high horse.

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