Valorant minimap cone glitch hotfix included in new update

It’s been long since the minimap feature on Valorant has been seen problematic with various bugs— and the vision cone glitch is arguably the most notable one.

For one, it would sometimes show players some angles their allies weren’t actually holding, giving the rest of the team a false sense of security.

The great news is, Riot confirmed a hotfix is on the way, starting with the new Patch 1.09.

Minimap cone glitch?

Vision cones on Valorant’s minimap enables players to see what angles their allies are presently holding at a glance. Hence, they have an idea if they are safe to cross or not.

However, the feature hasn’t been helpful at all when it becomes buggy.

For instance, the angles don’t line up. A teammate might appear to be holding an angle on the minimap, but as you push out, you’ll be surprised to actually find enemies on the particular angle.

Solo queue woes

If you’re in a five-stack, the pressing issue might not be a total hinder to your team’s victory, but the buggy feature can be infuriating if you’re playing solo queue.

Some teammates don’t pour any effort in making callouts, so most solo queue players have to rely on the minimap. With its current inaccuracy, it only leads to more problems within a random team.

Fix is on the way

Fortunately, Riot devs are working towards fixing the minimap vision cone glitch.

They have confirmed a hotfix is coming starting with the new Patch 1.09 and in the upcoming updates.

One major issue they have with the said glitch is how the minimap was out of date in comparison with the maps themselves.

Developer mochimisu explained on the official Valorant subreddit:

“The vision cones were an old prototype feature that just ended up shipping the same way as it was made in prototype years ago,”

“Each map has a separate vision cone mesh, but the versions of the maps they were authored for are slightly older in some places and out of sync. It was a bit tedious and annoying to do these small updates, so we also made some changes to make these adjustments easier.”

Valorant players are delighted to know that a fix is coming their way real fast, and that they won’t have to spend so much agitation over the broken feature when playing solo queue for long.

“Ascent’s vision cones should be fixed in 1.09 and Bind in 1.10. The other maps shouldn’t be too far behind those.”

With the minimap information being 100% accurate and the biggest glitch with the feature being fixed— players can completely rely on the vision cone even if their random team doesn’t call out certain positions.

Read the full Valorant Patch 1.09 here, which includes a major Operator nerf, changes to five Agents, a tweak to all weapons’ jumping accuracy, and a well-anticipated review of offensive Riot IDs.

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