Recent Pewdiepie Karaoke Vid Shows He’s Enjoying Youtube Break

It’s been weeks since Pewdiepie’s last Youtube video, which begs his loyal fans to question: where is he and what is he up to lately?

He deleted his Twitter account at the end of 2019, and doesn’t post often on his social media accounts.

Thanks to the power of social media, fans discovered Pewdiepie (is alive & well and) most definitely enjoying his time in Japan!

Felix “Pewdiepie” Kjellberg is finally taking his much-deserved break from Youtube, despite feeling adamant about stepping back from his streaming activities for a while.

10 years of daily video uploads is a habit that can be rather hard to break.

The past year has been rather fulfilling for Pewds: he successfully launched his famous Minecraft series, got married, and even bought a house in Japan.

But it wasn’t all rainbows and butterflies, though. He has also been enveloped in an infamous string of issues and controversies, which is why taking a breather is a good idea for his well-being.

Despite his social media hiatus, fans still got a glimpse of what Pewds has been up to on his vacation – and it seems like he’s having a great time.

Australian Youtuber Joey ‘The Anime Man’ Bizinger posted a video clip on Twitter, showing Kjellberg singing his heart out at a Karaoke bar.

He was joined with his group of friends, including musician Dave ‘Boyinaband.’

“I went to karaoke with Pewds and he sang Numa Numa a.k.a the best song in Internet history ✨”

His song of choice? The Numa Numa Song by O-Zone, as popularized by the classic 2005 meme.

The social media superstar is keeping true to his meme-y personality!

This isn’t the first time for Pewds to sing the The Numa Numa song, though.

While celebrating his 100 million subscriber milestone where he streamed Minecraft for over 12 hours, he and Jacksepticye hilarious sang the tune after 10 hours into the stream.

It’s good news for many fans how Pewds looks like he is enjoying his break, despite initially feeling hesitant. He admitted on his last upload dated January 16:

“The truth is, I don’t wanna go on break…I love making videos. I just feel like I need to do this.”

As he continues to enjoy his rest, his fans are missing his absence greatly.

In fact, posts in his subreddit descended into meme chaos while awaiting for the return of the streamer.

Last week, it turned into a cooking subreddit and now it’s into gardening.

Only time can tell when will Pewdiepie pop back and dominate Youtube once more.

But if there’s anyone who deserves a rightful break, Pewdiepie has proven himself worthy. His work ethic and dedication to the industry is something aspiring streamers can definitely look up to!

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