Recent Valorant Patch 1.08 leak hints on mobile version update?

With the success of Valorant on PC, fans are wondering if the title will soon find its way on mobile devices.

Thanks to the rise of mobile gaming, many are convinced it won’t be a totally bad idea for Riot to take the 5v5 tactical shooter in the mobile hype.

It seems like Valorant will soon have its mobile title— at least according to a new leak following Patch 1.08, revealing that Riot may be potentially looking to bring the hyped title to iOS and Android!

Cross-play interest

Riot is keen to make Valorant one of the best games on PC, but with millions of players logging into Future Earth and a continued player interest— there’s clear potential for the game  to be brought over to other platforms.

The company’s recent response to community requests, including Spike Rush and Deathmatch, adjusting Agents and tweaking Competitive ranks, makes it evident that they have long-term plans for Valorant.

There’s a growing loyal fanbase of Valorant players on PC, but the game is clearly missing out on one rising market in gaming: mobile.

In case you missed it, titular games such as PlayerUnknown’s BattleGrounds (PUBG), Fortnite, and Call of Duty launched their respective mobile titles which only garnered global success and fame.

In terms of convenience and portability, there’s nothing quite like mobile gaming especially if you want to queue for a match on-the-go!

Mobile release?

Joe Ziegler, Valorant’s Game Director, previously confirmed that Riot is “exploring” the option of bringing the Future Earth experience from PC to mobile.

However, there has been little to almost no update about the matter since then.

Fortunately for curious and interested fans,  Valorant YouTuber ‘SkillCapped’ presented a string of code that has recently emerged in the game files after Patch 1.08.

According to the data miner’s video, the particular line of code presents the ability to perform an action by tapping on the right-hand side of the screen— which is a known feature on touch screen devices, such as iOS and Android platforms.

The recent discovery only hinted that Riot may be working on Valorant’s potential mobile UI, as they discreetly align it with the game’s patch update on PC.

And if a Valorant mobile title is considered by the devs, it’s not unlikely for the game to find its way into consoles as well.

In fact, Ziegler also confirmed that the devs are looking into bringing Valorant to console with the help of a dedicated team studying the feasibility of taking the title over to Xbox and PlayStation.

Many Valorant fans seem to be torn at the prospect of experiencing Future Earth on mobile. Some actually don’t mind the idea of a mobile version, as long as emulator players are queued differently from tablet or mobile players:

“Honestly , I wouldn’t mind valorant mobile as long as it works as a seperate game (like COD mob or Pubg mob) and doesn’t make it completely aim assist and keep emulators separate from touch screen”

While others are against the idea at all, suggesting that Riot should just focus on improving the PC title with its many in-game bugs and glitches:

“id rather have more maps than a valorant mobile. ”

“valorant mobile?? id imagine that thats hard to play on”

“I’m against Valorant mobile and console, sure it’s gonna be fun to play, but if they add cross play and do tournaments and they participate they are going to complain about having an aim advantage and they’re gonna ask for aim assist.”

What do you think of a potential Valorant mobile title? Let us know in the comments!

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