Ninja’s Latest Goal? To be the Greatest Gamer of All Time

In an interview on the True Geordie podcast, Tyler “Ninja” Blevins didn’t shy away from his goal to be remembered was one of the greatest players of all time — if not the number one.

At 28, the ex-Twitch star is rapidly becoming the new face of Mixer, the Microsoft-owned rival platform. Earlier this year, he surprised his fans by jumping ships to stream exclusively on the latter.

He has garnered over 33,021,108 total views on the platform since his first stream in August.

Ninja has built an impressive legacy but clearly, he wants more than that. He aired his intention to become known as the greatest gamer of all time.

“I want to be remembered as one of the greatest gamer ever, if not the absolute best. However, I recognize that this may not access, since it is not simple to give a sense of the definition. Includes aspects related to the streaming, to the games, or esports? It’s hard to tell.”

Quite an ambitious goal, but probably not too impossible for him to reach!

Throughout the interview, the streamer mentioned celebrities like The Rock and David Beckham, calling both of them “untouchable.” He yearns to achieve the same name status as them — if not more.

“I realized I wanted to be more cartoony, more of a character, and we’re doing a lot of that to reach that goal. That is the goal, to become a symbol and an icon.”

Gaming has found a growing mainstream acceptance over the last few years, but arguably, the industry doesn’t have anyone yet that could be considered the “greatest.”

The gaming icon also admitted how time-consuming streaming as a career is, which takes away precious time to play on professional tournaments and to spend with his family.

With 14 million followers on his now-defunct Twitch channel and 22.4 million subscribers on Youtube, Ninja is easily one of the most recognizable streamers out there. In just 10 years of streaming, he’s clearly established a brand for himself and has a strong sense of how to expand his influence.

Just recently, Ninja revealed he will be the protagonist of his own graphic novel titled The Most Dangerous Game. The novel is set to drop on December 3rd.

Without a doubt, Ninja has the drive and the following to reach his latest aspirations. Only time can tell what comes next!

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